
Color Detector

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Ambion Softwares
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🖐️ Color Picker
🤓 UI Expert
🕵️‍♂️ Perfect Detector
👨‍🔬 Palette Researcher
🎇 Palette Wala
Tool Descriptions
Color Picker
Color Picker
Select any color from anywhere on your image with a single click.
UI expert
UI expert
Detect 4 to 5 perfect colors from your image for your next design.
Perfect Detector
Perfect Detector
Detect all minimal different shades in your image upto 20.
Palette Researcher
Palette Researcher
Perfect tool for color researchers. This tool returns almost upto 50 colors.
Palette Wala
Palette Wala
If palettes are cockroaches, this tool is Oggy; Any single shade in your image cannot escape form its eyes.